Web Presence:
A Turnkey Plan for Your Online Visibility
One plan, flexible options that fit your needs!
One plan, flexible options that fit your needs!
A professional showcase website and key updates
on Facebook and Google My Business to ensure your online visibility.
(1-5 pages, responsive, SEO optimized)
(SEO) - Optimization of essentials to be properly indexed
Creation/optimization of your company profile
Creation or optimization of your page
(2) on your social networks
& minor updates included
Offers personalized and engaging posts, advanced SEO to improve online visibility
Allows for increased reach with sponsored campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.
Generate qualified traffic with targeted and optimized ads on Google.
Flexible monthly bank of hours, allowing you to access personalized support for various digital and marketing needs.
Flexible annual bank of hours, allows you to access personalized support for various digital and marketing needs.